Sunday, October 25, 2009

No Game? Might As Well Make a Hallween Costume!

As I told you yesterday, I had a game today in Dove Valley. Well, since it is snowing and raining up there, they called the game off- thank god! So instead of doing absolutely nothing today, my mom and I are getting a head start on my costume. News flash! Halloween is in 7 DAYS NOW! I'm supposed to have my costume ready by Tuesday because our school is having our Halloween social! But the rules are SO STUPID! A student council person told us the rules, and this is so stupid, you cannot cross- dress! Say you were dressing up as a pizza guy. Too bad! You have to be pizza GIRL! It's so stupid. What if a girl wanted to dress up as a sumo- wrestler? There are no girl some- wrestlers! That just wrecked a girl's Halloween I bet!
Does your school have dumb rules for a Halloween party? Write to me, let me know.

Always, Bailey

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